Impact Zone - A M/M Gay Hawaiian Surfing Romance (Ohana Surfing Club - Book One)
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A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses, 3)
ISBN-10: 1635575605
ISBN-13 : 978-1635575606
Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing; New edition (June 2, 2020)
Language : English
Paperback: 736 pages
Reading Age : 13+ years, from customers
Dimensions : 5.85 x 2.05 x 8.25 inches
Item Weight : 1.28 pounds
$14.39 $11.51
The epic third novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas. Feyre has returned to the Spring Court, determined to gather information on Tamlin’s actions and learn what she can about the invading king threatening to bring her land to its knees. But to do so she must play a deadly game of deceit. One slip could bring doom not only for Feyre, but for everything-and everyone-she holds dear. As war bears down upon them all, Feyre endeavors to take her place amongst the High Fae of the land, balancing her struggle to master her powers-both magical and political-and her love for her court and family. Amidst these struggles, Feyre and Rhysand must decide whom to trust amongst the cunning and lethal High Lords, and hunt for allies in unexpected places. In this thrilling third book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series from Sarah J. Maas, the fate of Feyre’s world is at stake as armies grapple for power over the one thing that could destroy it.
Amazon Customer –
“When you erupt, girl, make sure it is felt across worlds.”, I seriously have no idea where to even begin with this review. I’m going to try not to include any spoilers, but if there are any, I’ll give you fair warning before reading further. Honestly, I am absolutely blown away by this novel and it took me several days to adjust to the world after finishing this beautiful book. I honestly don’t know how SJM can top this book, but let’s get real here…she will because she’s just that amazing. I read this in one sitting overnight because I simply couldn’t put it down. It’s true, this book is a Court of Pain and Feels but it is absolutely mindblowing and I felt incomplete after finishing. SJM seriously took her writing to new heights, and I can’t even begin to explain how fantastic it was to experience this journey., “The great joy and honour of my life has been to know you. To call you my family. And I am grateful – more than I can possibly say – that I was given this time with you all.”, I have been such a fan of this series from the very beginning because I always felt that it showed Sarah J. Maas’ extreme writing talent. It’s so different from the Throne of Glass series, and I loved the creativity and dedication that she puts into this story. You can clearly tell just how much all of these characters mean to her, and every scene is richly described. Her writing truly sweeps you away and it’s something that you easily lose yourself in. I know that if someone would ask me tomorrow to leave this world behind and instead go into Feyre’s world, I would not even hesitate. This story is complex and I never expected for SJM to build on the world so much more than previously, but she does, and it’s excellent. There is a great progression to the story, and this means new faces and new places come into play all while still developing our beloved characters., “What we think to be our greatest weakness can sometimes be our biggest strength.”, The book starts with Feyre back in the Spring Court with Tamlin. While some people might have found this part slow, I think it showcased just how far Feyre has come as a character. The strength that it took to go back and set the foundation for her (and Rhysand’s) plot was utterly fantastic! I think it helped set up the story perfectly and it showed us Feyre’s mindset at the time. I definitely got some Aelin feels in this part because of how awesome and kickass Feyre was, which just added to my love for her character. But the best thing: Feyre’s characterization. I thought she was well-developed already, but SJM added yet another layer to her character. Feyre is such a strong and powerful character and has come such a long way since the first book. Looking back, I can’t even believe that this is the same person…and that is an excellent thing. It shows how much Rhys and the Night Court have impacted her and aided her in the person she was to ultimately become., “I would have waited five hundred more years for you. A thousand years. And if this was all the time we were allowed to have… the wait was worth it.”, Rhys is as perfect as ever. I mean come on…who doesn’t love him?! The way he treats Feyre made me swoon every darn time, and she is his High Lady in every single way. He gives her something that Tamlin never did…respect. He believes in her and that she can accomplish amazing thing. He allows her to spread her wings (<-- this is an excellent pun btw...I know I'm really not as funny as I think) and embrace her magic. The constant support and love Rhys shows her is something every girl should have. Plus, he's freaking hilarious...you can't get a better man! I honestly will never get enough of him and he will always stay firmly in my top 5 book boyfriends. Obviously the chemistry between Feyre and Rhys is off the charts, and all the sex scenes are perfectly written. I love them together so much, it just makes my heart happy., “It's a rare person to face who they are and not run from it - not be broken by it.”, Cassian and Nesta are brilliant and I firmly believe that they will be a focus in one of the upcoming books. I need them together, and I need to have a book with them as the main characters because it will be such an epic story! They have the perfect dynamic that is present throughout the entire book. We learn more about Mor, and my heart broke for her multiple times. I just wanted to give her a giant hug, but I loved delving deeper into her character. Azriel is brooding as ever, but I love him. There is definitely something up with him and Elain, and I need to know what that something is. Amren's sass is pure gold and I love her so much. There are definitely some surprises with her character that left me (along with the characters) shocked. We also meet a new High Lord, Helion and god do I love him! He has to be in these next 3 books because he's awesome. We also see the return of the Bone Carver and the Suriel. And seriously...they play epic roles in the story. And Tamlin...I have to mention this guy. I actually liked how SJM handled him in this book (especially at the end). It was realistic and believable. And (Lord help me), I didn't hate him anymore., “My rage had become a living thing inside my chest, an echoing heartbeat that soothed me to sleep and stirred me to waking.”, My favorite part about this book though (besides all the other stuff) is its unpredictability. Seriously, SJM gave me a heart attack multiple times. Just when I thought the story was going in one direction and bombshell twist would come out of nowhere and completely change the entire story. And there was not 1, not 2, but 3 major things at the end in which I was freaking out and making very weird noises that I'm sure my neighbors in my apartment building did not appreciate. The one MAJOR (and I mean MAJOR) thing involving a certain character at the end had me with tears in my eyes and my face the picture of shock. I seriously have never been more scared for a character in my life, and I was praying so hard that SJM didn't do what she did. I think I stopped breathing at one point, so HOW DARE YOU SARAH J MAAS!! HOW DARE YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT!, “It is a new world, and we must decide how we are to end this old one and begin it anew.”, If you couldn't tell, I LOVED this book! I still am not okay after reading the entire battle since SJM made me lose my mind, but everything was tied up nicely and the conclusion was everything I could want. Most of the main questions were answered, but she definitely planted the seeds for a new foe for our group to be facing. I think it would be interesting if the books were from different characters' perspectives, but I'm never going to mind more Feyre and Rhys. This is by far the best read of 2017, and you need to read it as soon as humanly possible!, Happy reading
Velarisreads –
Oh goodness. I will try my best to make this spoiler-free because SO MUCH happens!, Now, this book came to me on its release day (thank you, Amazon). I started reading it almost immediately and then I had exams. This is why it took me so long to finish it. I would try to read it before work or before class, but I wouldn’t be fast enough., So, we know what happened in the second book. Feyre went back to Tamlin, but surprise! It’s just a little trick. She will find her way back to Rhysand., Duh, she does. That’s not really a spoiler., War is looming and she, as the High Lady, must work with the Night Court and her mate, Rhysand, in order to win this war and bring peace to all. Literally., So, I want to write this review differently. We love these characters so much, so I am going to break it down by character. No spoilers will be revealed for the characters. I will be careful., New characters are introduced in this book, but I will be letting you know about the familiar characters., – Feyre -, So, the ending of the second book had us shook. For real. In the third book, Feyre is truly a badass. She is not taking any of Tamlin’s shit, let me tell you that. She is determined to find her way back to Rhysand and, yes she does, as noted above. When they reunite, of course there is the love-making. They wouldn’t be mates if they didn’t get it on, you know? Anyway…it’s a bit of an emotional reunion for Feyre, seeing her friends and such. Especially her sisters. We get a glimpse of them almost immediately, but I’ll talk about them lately. Throughout the book, Feyre is now a High Lady of the Night Court. She slowly learns how to control a room and she learns more about herself. This book really shows us how strong Feyre really is., – Rhysand -, Right now, Rhysand is probably going through hell because he isn’t with Feyre and he isn’t sure when she will be back. It gets kind of worse when Feyre tries to get back to him. During that journey, their bond is silent. When they reunite, you get that giddy feeling reading their interactions again and I’m actually glad their separation doesn’t really last long. This is only if you ship them, though. In this book, I definitely got a sense of a struggle with Rhysand. It’s almost as if the ending of the second book and its events really made him vulnerable and he is definitely scared of losing Feyre and we learn more about his time with Amarantha when he was her icky love slave or whatever. We learn more things, too. I like this side of him, this vulnerable side. There are moments during the impending war where he expresses his fear of losing his family. I’m going to say that there is a moment with Rhysand where you stare at the book and you want to burst into tears. That’s all. No spoilers., – Lucien -, Everybody wants Lucien. They wanted more of Lucien. I’m going to say, in my own opinion, that I was kind of disappointed in Lucien’s part of the story. I feel like there was not enough of him. He seemed to be absent, physically, for over half of the book. Before its release, I saw that people were excited to read more of Lucien and his POV. But, I was disappointed that it was lacking. I think his story isn’t over yet, though. There didn’t seem to be any closure for him. Hopefully, since this world continues, we will get more., – Nesta -, Oh, Nesta. I think she is a love/hate character. We get more of her in this book and she becomes more likable, though still frustrating. Let’s just say the situation between her and Cassian drags and it just makes you roll your eyes. Not at Sarah, of course. At Nesta. She is so stubborn and it just annoyed me at times. However, with that aside, she definitely learns to become stronger and to accept herself as a Fae, which I find important. I mean, she doesn’t have much of a choice. She still has the attitude in her, but she has her badass moments., – Elain -, Oh, man, It was heartbreaking to read about Elain and how she was handling things. I don’t know how else to describe it, really. It’s even worse when Lucien tries to interact with her with hardly any progress. In this book, Elain is stuck on Grayson. I mean, we know that isn’t going to happen anymore. But, it’s just sad. Again, with Lucien, I don’t think her story is finished. There are some unanswered questions. On a happier note, Elain learns to find her voice and her inner strength after what she went through. That made up for the rest of it., – Cassian -, Oh, Cassian. He is still a smartass. But, something is definitely up with him here. I’m pretty sure it’s because of Nesta and her ignorance of him. He tries to hide the fact it bothers him, but you can tell it really does. We also see Cassian’s bond with Rhysand and how strong it really is; their fear of losing each other in this war. Cassian definitely wants to prove himself in this war and we see that, but some of the scenes were scary. Not sinister or anything. But, as a reader, you are very scared and worried something bad will happen to him. I’ll stop there, for your sake., I’m combining a few other characters together for one reason:, – Amren, Azriel, Mor, Tamlin -, Why are these characters combined? Well, let’s start with Amren. We only see Amren when she is helping Nesta and her connection with the Cauldron. There is a scene of betrayal, sort of. But, besides her AMAZING ending, she doesn’t feature that much., Azriel is kind of the same. He felt too much like a background character for me and, though there are scenes where you pray for him as you keep reading, I wish he was featured more. I don’t think he got much closure either., Which brings me to Mor. Oh man, we have a bombshell with her. I won’t reveal that, though. But, I wlll say her lack of closure goes with Azriel., Tamlin, Tamlin. I hate him, but I kind of don’t after reading this book. He spends most of the time just being pissy about what Feyre did, making innuendo jokes to get a rise, and just acting like a fifteen year old. However, there are moments where it seems he wants some kind of redemption or something. I will say that I do think he is still in love with Feyre, but I think his story is at an end. The closure is definitely there and hopefully he will find his own happiness., I want to reiterate that these opinions are my own opinions and how I felt about the book., Regardless of some of the negative opinions, I am still giving this book five stars. This book had me on edge and I’m glad but sad that this is the last full novel. Unless the book Gods and Sarah want to bless us with another full novel that isn’t a novella or something. I’m still praying., If you haven’t read this book because you are scared, don’t let that stop you. I was scared the whole way and I kept reading. I am very happy with this book and I loved entering this world again. This will probably be a series that I will definitely reread. That doesn’t happen often., Bottom line: You’ll always be wanting more of Feyre’s story.
Alice H. –
Wow! This book has left me utterly speechless……, The amount of times when I cried throughout the ending of this book is insane. Through this book we get to see Feyre become more confident and brave, when she faces the carver and wields both the carver and bryxis., We also get to see Amren’s character development from beginning, as another world creature to becoming a high fae after recusing the world. I don’t think a book will ever make me cry as it did when Rhys died and Cassian was being slowly murdered. But in the end everything was slowly pieced back together and hopefully in the upcoming books we get to see Feyre and Rhys start a family together like the bone carver predicted from their very first visit to him., I still can’t believe Jurian is alive and turns out to be a savior for this war, and how Tamlin in the beginning betrayed pyrithian than saved feyre during her rescue of elain., And Mor being strong enough to reveal her true identity to feyre is amazing, hopefully in the next book she is comfortable enough to have a talk with azriel, and everyone else in the family., I am really looking forward to starting the next book, and will be starting it today