Walt Disney Animation Studios presents an epic tale of adventure and comedy with Frozen. When a prophecy traps a kingdom in eternal winter, Anna, a young dreamer, must team up with Kristoff, a daring mountain man, and his reindeer on the grandest of journeys to find Anna’s sister, the Snow Queen Elsa, and put an end to her icy spell. Encountering mystical trolls, a hilarious snowman named Olaf, Everest-like extremes, and magic at every turn, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save the kingdom from destruction. Directed by Chris Buck ( Tarzan ) and produced by Peter Del Vecho ( Winnie the Pooh, The Princess and the Frog ), the comedy-adventure Frozen journeys into theaters in November 2013. Girls and boys ages 4–6 will love this Step 1 Step into Reading leveled reader based on the film.
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Big Snowman, Little Snowman (Disney Frozen) (Step into Reading)
By: Tish Rabe
ISBN-10: 0736431195
ISBN-13 : 978-0736431194
Publisher : RH/Disney; Illustrated edition (October 1, 2013)
Language : English
Paperback: 32 pages
Reading Age : 3 – 6 years, from customers
Dimensions : 5.38 x 0.13 x 9 inches
Item Weight : 2.6 ounces
$4.99 $3.99
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