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Puff, the Magic Dragon

ISBN-10: 1402747829
ISBN-13 : 978-1402747823
Publisher : Union Square Kids; First Edition (August 1, 2007)
Language : English
Hardcover: 24 pages
Reading Age : 2 – 4 years, from customers
Dimensions : 11.5 x 0.5 x 10.5 inches
Item Weight : 0.051 ounces

$14.94 $11.95

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“Beautifully illustrated . . . smartly designed . . . More than 40 years after ‘Puff’…was released, this volume . . . brings the land of Honalee to new life.”— The New York Times The timeless children’s song . . . in a beautiful, bestselling picture book filled with enchantment. “Puff has appeared to me both childlike and wise, a king but also a willing follower of just about any bright spirit that inspired him. Puff gives his whole heart and soul to one special friend…One day, as you can see at the end of this book, a new and special friend comes to Honalee…In this way Puff and Jackie’s friendship continues through new children like you.”   —Peter Yarrow Puff, the Magic Dragon is simply one of the most beloved songs of all time—a classic that’s become as much a part of the childhood experience as Mother Goose and fairy tales. Yet singer/songwriter Peter Yarrow and co-composer Lenny Lipton have never allowed a picture book adaptation of this magical tale…until now. With Yarrow’s and Lipton’s blessing, Puff, Jackie Paper, and the land of Honalee finally live on the page. The exquisite package includes a cloth case with a tipped-in illustration and an embossed jacket with foil touches, as well as an exclusive CD featuring not only Puff , but several other songs performed by Yarrow, his daughter Bethany, and cellist Rufus Cappadocia. This is a publishing event sure to attract broad attention and please Puff’s many fans. In richly-hued paintings of the deepest sea blues and greens, Puff and his friend Jackie Paper frolic in the land of Honalee—traveling in a fantastic boat with billowed sails, climbing red castle stairs onto a balcony to meet with noble kings and princes, and watching pirate ships lower their flags for the roaring dragon. Artist Eric Puybaret has brought an entire magical world into being with enthralling landscapes, color, and characters. And everyone will love the way the art cleverly turns the song’s end, which at first seemed so sad, into a surprising and joyful moment.

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