The acclaimed adult horror manga is now in presented in deluxe hardcover editions in the original oversized serialization format. Though Guts the Black Swordsman lies near death from battling the dragon knight Grunbeld and his demonic legion, the witch Schierke has a dangerous tool to put Guts back in the fight: the unholy Berserker Armor. But the accursed shell unleashes its host’s inner demons, which might send the tormented Guts into eternal darkness! Collects Berserk volumes 25–27, including three fold-out color posters.
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Berserk Deluxe Volume 9
By: Kentaro Miura
ISBN-10: 1506717926
ISBN-13 : 978-1506717920
Publisher : Dark Horse Manga; Deluxe edition (November 23, 2021)
Language : English
Hardcover: 656 pages
Reading Age : None
Dimensions : 7.38 x 1.95 x 10.3 inches
Item Weight : 0.035 ounces
$39.99 $31.99
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