The world of manga was devastated by the May 2021 death of Berserk creator Kentaro Miura, but Miura- sensei left behind one final volume to cap his thirty-plus-year commitment to his signature vision. While Miura’s epic remains unfinished, Berserk Volume 41 is a fitting curtain call for the beloved series, filled with joy, sadness, laughter, and imagination. Includes a two-sided color poster insert. Though Casca has at last been released from the prison of her own mind, she cannot escape the reminders of the terrors she has experienced. And nothing triggers the return of these harrowing memories than Guts the Black Swordsman, who faced those same horrors in his relentless quest to bring Casca to a place where she might be healed. But the reappearance of a strange, mute boy could well be the key to bringing peace to Casca’s troubled soul.
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Berserk Volume 41
By: Kentaro Miura
ISBN-10: 1506733778
ISBN-13 : 978-1506733777
Publisher : Dark Horse Manga (November 15, 2022)
Language : English
Paperback: 168 pages
Reading Age : None
Dimensions : 5.16 x 0.53 x 7.25 inches
Item Weight : 13 ounces
$13.49 $10.79
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